Wednesday, August 5, 2015


So there are 200 times that I have 'extolled the virtue' of other people's cool stuff!
I have complained again and again about the HOURS of work each post consumes.......THAT is why I kinda stopped doing this post........which is kinda sad. So I think to make it easier - and to encourage more frequent posting - I am gonna could choose 1-5 things - INSTEAD of always having 5 different things each week!
So in that spirit, there are THREE things that I LOVE LOVE LOVE this week!

1.) KEYWAY.......HOLY CRAP!!!!! These are incredible cases....I cannot pick which one is the best!

Here is what they say......

Keyway Designs was born out of passion for elegant design, skilled crafting, and artistic simplicity. We built a partnership and put our complementary skills in art, design, manufacturing, and engineering to work. Our interests were quickly drawn to the stunning design of the iPhone product line. While clean, elegant and simple, we view the smooth, flat back design of the iPhone 4 and 5 as the perfect canvas. Indeed, we could paste vinyl stickers on it, or wrap silicon shells around the phone but why not try something a little different? We decided on a material that allows the customer to express them-self in a unique way, while keeping their phone safe.

We began brainstorming and explored some of the possible materials that could be used to uphold the iPhone’s original elegance while improving on customization and durability. Due to the wide variety of available wood species, it seemed to be an obvious starting point. Wood also has the inherent ability to provide individuality due to the unique grain of each sample.

Keyway Designs was formed in early 2012 in Toronto, Ontario. We are proud to say that our manufacturing is done in-house. This allows us to maintain the high level of quality and accuracy that we demand. Our production goals for Keyway don't stop at iPhone accessories; we have big plans for our future, so be sure to keep an eye on us!

- The Keyway Team

I feel that I may NEEEEED the Jaws case.......
YOU need to go check them out HERE:
and like them on the Book of Faces.......
and their follow their tweets.......

FANTASTIC STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.) Hey nerds.....what about this office building in China that looks like a certain starship........

The building forms the headquarters of game developers netdragon. The 260 meter length office structure took four years to construct, with American TV station CBS sanctioning the rights for the Chinese company to model their office after the USS enterprise ncc-1701-e.
Check out this drones eye view:


3.) FINALLY - I give you (Thanks to Cindy for this one) WHINE ABOUT IT.

Not sure if that embedded video worked......if not... GO HERE!!!

You must love this!!
Simple idea....but so good - Matt Bellassai gets drunk at work, and rants about all the things that we are all thinking...okay....maybe not ALL us are thinking it.....but I surely am!!
See his videos each week HERE 
and follow him  @MattBellassai 

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